Thursday, 21 November 2013

Week 5: Let's talk about sex...and gender


  1. Why is 'sex' still an issue?

  2. Why should you care?

  3. What is a man?

  4. What is masculinity?

  5. Conclusion

1. Why is 'sex' still an issue? What does it mean socially and politically?

So we look at global statistics
  • Equality Act 2010 (UK) replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single cut
  • it legally protects people from discrimination in workplace and in wider society.
  • UN Declaration of Human Rights 1948 with particular attention on Article 7 which says all are equal and will get equal protection.
But inspite of these laws in place equality of sexes is still not achieved as evident from global stats:
  • 70% women are victims of physical and sexual violence( majority from their husbands or partners),
  • in women between age of 15-44 this violence causes more deaths than by malaria or such other diseases.

UK stats
  •  2011 ; gender pay gap for hourly wages is 20.1%
  • 2013: official hourly rate for men is £26.54 and for women is £18.32.
  • Women in full-time employment earn almost £5000 per year less which is 15% less than men.

2. Why should you care? How does this impact on us as artists?

  • because your sex affects how you have been treated since birth, how you are being treated at present and will be treated in future and what is expected of you.
  • understanding how your identity is constructed and perceived will help you understand and communicate with the audience of your work.
So basically we as artists and makers are responsible for the influence of our work on future consumers / audiences.

3. What is a 'man'?

  • depends on who you ask.

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